Audiovisual Heritage
Audiovisual Heritage

I am a sound engineer. Ive been "engineering" sounds for over 15 years for music, film and theater. Ive specialized myself in mixing. My interest has always been on the qualities that make a sound appealing versus what makes it reppeling. I soon realised the part psychoacoustics play in the way we perceive music and how music is made which led me to an obsessive/compulsive search for these "appealing" sounds and to a gigantic vinyl collection which I now dont know where to store. Thousands of records later Im still not sure but the search goes on. In the mean time I have completed a Bachelor of Recording Arts at S.A.E Amsterdam and an History major at the Universidade Aberta in Lisbon. I figured to better curate these sounds I needed to understand what drives humans to collect stuff...and music. Im currently finishing my Masters in Heritage Studies to further that understanding. Fortunately I also love photography, movies and travel which I do from time to time. Some cities that have left a mark on me are Hong Kong, Lisbon, Amsterdam, Vienna and Mexico City.

Audiovisual Heritage

Audiovisual Heritage

#sound #history #music #mixing #mastering #digitizing #archiving #restoration #culture #heritage #travel #gameaudio #sounddesign #theater #image #photography